Monday 11 June 2012

Final Submission - Work in progress


Final Draft Review (Assignment 3 & Final Submission)

Ranking Assignment 3 (Monday 4th June) in class

1 - Wei Heng Chin Brandon - Rejuvenation
2 - Zhen Xun Chen - Healing Mission
3 - Xinchi Zhang
4 - Ai Lin Lynette Neo - Urban Refuge
5 - Phillip Youakim - Delerious New Yark
6 - Andrea Pittoni - Tsunami Memorial Town Hall
7 - Alvin Prathama - Town hall for the people of Borneo
8 - Kevin Hanurata - Corong teh
9 - Jane Setyapranata

Ranking Final Submission (Sunday 10th June)

1 - Wei Heng Chin Brandon - Rejuvenation 
2 - Andrea Pittoni - Reinassance Town hall
3 - Xiaonan Quan - Town Hall in Slum
4 - Zhen Xun Chen - Healing Mission
5 - Phillip Youakim - Delerious New Yark
6 - Zehuan Zhang Faye -  Loess Plateau
7 - Kevin Hanurata - Corong teh
8 - Xinchi Zhang
9 - Ai Lin Lynette Neo - Urban Refuge
10 - Alvin Prathama - Town hall for the people of Borneo
11 - Sha Lisa Li - Sand dune Town Hall
12 - Jane Setyapranata
13 - Anthony Choi
14 - Yi Zhang - A pond of light 
15 - Liyi Zhang - Town Hall in Wen Chuan

Sunday 10 June 2012

FINAL SUBMISSION - Renaissance Town Hall


Light and shadow imply the passage of the time, the sun looks to the future bringing a sense of happiness in the present, the shadow allows a spiritual feeling to the past, to memory.

Light and shadow deconstruct and construct space, void and presence entwinr, allowing the body to be surrounded by a place with distinct attributes from the outside.
As a result, the space becomes visible as qualitative, embodied and spiritual.

PDF high definition:

This project permit to me to enter in the endless world of the light and the shadows, studying and analyzing its peculiarities.
Moreover this project helped me to discover better the Japanese culture really rooted in the traditions and the sadness after a natural disaster.
A usefull trip in the culture and architecture.

Andrea Pittoni

Sunday 18 March 2012



"Spesso gli architetti dimenticano che l'architettura è fatta per l'uomo...
Il corpo dell'uomo è legato alla natura da cui nasce, la mente è il motore dell'immaginazione.
Diventa cosi fondamentale per un architetto partire dal principio, dal concetto dell'idea, per poi creare la materia attraverso un processo di astrazione.
Il concetto deve basarsi sull'esigenza per cui nasce l'architettura.
è cosi che si progettano gli edifici.
Ma è proprio quando la concentrazione degli architetti è troppo focalizzata sul edificio che la natura viene stessa natura di cui il corpo esige per sentirsi realizzato.
Allora diventa necessario progettare il verde insieme alla città, ma non dobbiamo limitarci a specchiare il paesaggio circostante, è necessario razionalizzarlo per portarlo a contatto con le forme urbane, per poi liberare la natura attraverso l'immaginazione."
Andrea Pittoni

"Architects often forget that architecture is made ​​for man ...
The human body is related to the nature from which it arises, the mind is the engine of the imagination.
Becomes so important for an architect from the beginning, the concept of the idea, and then create the material through a process of abstraction.
The concept must be based on the need for which arises the building.
That's so that it is possible create Buildings, skyscrapers and museums.
But it's when the concentration of architects is too focused on building that nature is forgotten ... the same nature of which the body requires in order to feel accomplished.
Then it becomes necessary to design the green with the city, but we must not limit ourselves to mirror the surrounding landscape, it is necessary to rationalize it to bring it into contact with urban forms, and then release the nature through the imagination.
Andrea Pittoni


  Submission  1 :


Assessment criteria:

Clarity - 20%
Imagination -20%
Rigor -20%
Artifice and Formal Configuration - 15%
Construction and Structural System -15%
Inhabitation and Program -10%

We're talking about a competition in which winning ideas are clear and innovative, so i check to these two criteria great value.
Furthermore the theme of this year's competition is a town hall, so it is fundamental to design respecting the context in which the town hall should be insert and should be.